

Sunday and it's study day. Yesterday was quite fun, met up with Johan and Robert. Havent seen either of them in quite awhile. After i met them they told me we are gonna go visit my good old friend Adam. He actually moved one day before me. To a place called Ralingsås outside of Aneby that is located 40 km from my place. He actually went there to study in a bibleschool. Though to my surprise he lived as a intern in the middle of the forrest. And the same time as we came, there was a wedding. Robert was almost like screaming about us being wedding crashers for that wedding. Though we didnt do that. After walking around talking and joking we went and played volleyball with a few of his new friends. We played for like 2-3 hours though i went in after 2 cause my hip was aching up somehow. When i got in i sat there with Adam and talked with loads of people and everyone was like crazily intressted in who i was, were i came from and how i knew Adam. Surprisingly it was mostly girls who asked me. Never have i gotten so many questions from a pair of girls as then. After awhile Robert came in and we noticed that one of the girls was actually one of his old classmates. After a few laughter about that we headed home cause it was getting late and Johan and Robert had to see my new place before they went home. Good thing was i had cleaned it up a little before we went so here comes a few cleaner pics. ;)

There is no door pics casue there is nothing there either way. :P

The past and the present.  


So now i have moved in, started school, gotten my internet connection to my apartment and gotten myself a buss card. Plus met the fellas that live in the same apartment as i of course. They seem to be quite nice where one is from UK (I think, not entirly sure) and one from Australia. So far we just have had some intro talk not much more really. Well we'll see how well we'll get along with each other.

Today is was the second day of school and i already oversleept! :O
But either way i didnt need to be there. Though i got the new material for the course and i promise you it's nothing to be taken lightly anymore. Now it's not like i know more than 50% of it. Now its more of -50%. I guess i jast have to start reading more now so i'll pass the exams. Cause now we need 70% to pass. :(

And stupid f****** that installed my connection put the little connection box right beside my door. And i have only a short cable CAT5 cable. Seems i have to get myself a 10meter cable for 100 bucks. So at the moment i have to use my laptop and sit at the door instead of at my comfortable desk. Well well shit happens as they say. :/

For all of you who wanna see my room here comes a few pics. ;)

This is where my computer have to be for the moment till i have a longer cable. Plus the door to the rest of the world

Point of view: The Door
Sorry its a little messy at the moment but i havent unpacked everything yet.

Point of view: Same place as the first one.
Messy messy. I know atleast two who wont like this. :/

And last but not least my bookshelf! Before i move out of here i have to fill it with books. Anyone who can/want to help me?

Thats all folks. C ya around.



Yay the tickets are bought. ^^
Just have to wait till tomorrow until we can do a seat reservation. But either way woho i'm going!
This will be like my 5th time going. Though im still happy for that. Its totally worth it. ^^



Last days have been pretty boring for me. No one to talk with and nothing to do. Same goes for someone else i know. Though thats cause she dont have a computer at the moment. Well at the moment im just sitting for Fantastic 4 to start on Swedish TV3. Will be the second time i see the movie.

Have had trouble sleeping lately also. Cant seem to fall asleep until like 2.30 - 3.30 even if i go to bed around 10-11. Pretty annoying. Last time it was like that it went through several months. I wonder why i am like that. :/

Tomorrow im moving into the new apartment. And who knows meet the people im gonna live with. Hopefully it wont be that troublesome with them. So far i know 2 of them is new and seems they are maybe international students. Well we'll just see how it'll go.



Small stuff just for fun that tells who i am. Try it here

You are Purple Tiger, whose comments tend to be imposing, and you possess vigor and your presence is strong.
Your gentleman like atmosphere makes others feel you are rather cold person.
But that is because they only see your sensitive side.
Really, you are warm and honest and considerate person.
You are optimistic, and you will not to give up any little work that you have started, even if the circumstance become unfavorable and difficult.
You possess great persistence.
You possess a wonderful quality of a good leader.
You can show flexible mind towards new things and ideas.
Because you are quick minded, you can develop logical theory while listening to the other person.
You have a tendency to follow your ideals.
If this side of your personality comes out strongly, your thoughts and actions seems too over reacting to others.
If you talk too big, people around you may find it difficult to follow your way.
You are a proud person, and think high of honor.
You cannot change your mind suddenly and according to circumstances.
Nevertheless, it means that you are keeping control of yourself, and helps you from failures.

Small update  


Updates and updates. Added the Shoutbox now so people can spam me a little. Anyone who thinks thats nice is welcome to do so. And thank you Josh for reminding me to add it. Plus i added the ClustrMap. Thats cause i couldnt find anything that checked the amount of visitors i had daily/weekly/monthly. Though ClustrMap keep track of it where they are and around how many who is viewing me by placing dots from where the IP-adress comes from. So lets see how many out there that is checking me out. ;)

Btw i dont like it when people are working on the roof. Or atleast not when they are doing it on my mothers place. First of they are loud. Me no get any sleep during the morning cause of them. :(
Second they can see you. After getting up from bed i usually go to the toilet. I went in and was about to unzip my zipper on my jeans when i hear a sound that sounded like a saw sawing on woods, and it came from above me. I looked up and noticed 2 men looking through the sphere we have in the toilet. I was like OMG! and rushed out of the toilet. Had to take the small one. So now i have to wait till they are done before i can take a shower. Cause i dont wanna go in there and not knowing that they are looking at me while i shower. Well i just have to wait an hour or 2.

As i said in another post. The dreams are back and today i dreamt that i had a child. :S
I have no idea why i would dream about having a child. But i had one and i was running around in this mall to get to some place. Why i had to get there i have no idea. Crazy dreams i say. Always have weird ones. Though what is a normal one? Anyone who can tell what normal one is?

And here is a little extra for this time. A piece of my fantasy book. Actually from the prologue.


The light was back and it was dancing more gracefully than before. The exotic dancer was back but it is more experienced and faster than last time. Then it stopped. Someone was screaming, a lady voice it was. But where did it came from? The scream got intenser and intenser and it surrounded him. There was no way to localize where it came from. The the light was back, dancing again. The screaming started to fade but as it did there came a warmth that was taking the screams place and as the scream faded the warmer it got. It was like something was burning around him. Without knowing it he had opened his eyes. And he saw a wing, like a bird wing but much bigger and it was black. As he saw the wing he heard something talking but he couldn't hear what the voice said. He bended over and saw a boy. The boy wasn't normal the wing he saw came out of his back and he had two of them.

Well thats it for now. Tell you all more later. ;)

Okey to hate yourself?  


Its a little more than a week since i got back. And during this whole time i just feel that i wanna go back. And i havent really been able to talk with her either since i got back. We got like one evening to talk before she had to leave her computer to her father for repair. Then she went away to meet relatives. I had no idea i would feel like this when i got back. I feel that i could had gotten out more of the trip but in some way i was too scared of doing things.

I promised Wei that i would meet him but i didn't. I hardly know why i didnt appoint a time with him. And i'm hiding now as offline all day cause i'm afraid that he will be angry at me. Though im not showing myself as offline only cause of that. Somehow i feel that i just lost the will to talk with people at the moment. Before it was all talk all day but now i dont feel that i can or have anything to talk about. Is this after effects from the trip or something else?

The dreams are back also, but now its not about wars. I guess thats a good thing. Now they are like CSI like dreams but still not. Dont remember any of the dreams more than just the end of the last one. Though im not gonna tell about that cause it wouldnt make sense either way.

Thinking about listening to the audio book of Wheel of time. Somehow found the first 6 books as audio books on the net and downloaded the first book. Moved over the first 4 chapters to my phone so i could listen to it anywhere and just at my computer. Got a little annoyed that i couldn't transfer more than 4 chapters to my phone. (Notice to myself: Get yourself a bigger memory for your phone.)

Well thats it for now.

Boring times  


It has gotten into August and still the blogging hasn't started fully. Some of you all probabky wonder what happens with part 2 of the genting story. Though i can tell you that you'll have to wait a little more before i tell more about it. Will do a big update later with the whole trip in it. And i will upload pics from the whole trip.

Though what have i been up to since i got back then? Well not much really, only thing i have done is that i have moved most of my stuff to the new apartment. And i can tell you all its a big upgrade from my last apartment. Now i got 22 square meters. Might not sound that big with the thinking my old place was 17 square meters. Though in this aparment i have a seperated kitchen so now i have more breathing space plus i wont fill up this apartment as i did on the last one (It was litterly filled and i climbing around in it.). Besides of that the apartment is located on 7th floor and i got a amazing view from my room. Actually what i see from my room is the whole sporting area. And as my mom said i have really gotten myself a way better place.

And as you might have noticed i changed the looks of the place. Didnt really like the whole black thing. I have sort of always been having dark colors on me and around me. Though i want to change that. I wanna see more color in my life and not just: Black, grey, brown and blue. It all feels horrible after living with it for a long time.

I'm sorry, but being blown up is not my primary function!




Sitting at the moment in Starbucks with a few others and my dearly Ashi. Had quite a roller-coaster-day today. (Those who knows what Genting Highlands is know probably what I mean.)
We went through quite alot today. The reason I am here in Genting is cause we got a few tickets for the MTV Asia Awards. (Or atleast that is what we thought) When it was time to check in at the counter yesterday we were told that the tickets was fake. This made things quite bad, cause there we stood with 20 tickets we had been told that came from a person at MTV. And that the person could get fired if the name got out that we had gotten the tickets from that person. Well Even if we knew that the tickets were fake we went and tried to get in either way. After a few hours of waiting and talking with many different people from the MTV crew they just said they couldn't help us. This crushed a few peoples hearts and so did mine. Though thats something we just had to take, though from it we know who we wont get any tickets from in the future. After like an hour of sulking we said that its better to go and do other things and we did. Though that i'll talk about later. Getting a little late so i have to get back to the apartment.

C ya soon.