Horrible night  

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Clock is like 15.00 and i just woke up from 3 hours of sleep. Today/yesterday night was horrible. Couldnt sleep at all. But it had its reasons.

  1. My nice neighbours was up all night being drunk and shouting.
  2. After they went to sleep at around 04:30 i couldnt sleep due to my body had gone into a state of awareness. And i promise you thats not fun.
After they fell asleep i couldnt (Dam them!). I decided to go to school early. Just to work off some old stuff. I got there bought coffée just in case i would feel sleepy. Went up to the labs and sat down to work. After like 45 mins i noticed something was wrong with me. Started to feel like throwing up. Wrn to the bath room and waited for a while. Though there came only air but the feeling never went away. Went back to the lab even though i felt sick. While sitting there i started to think about why i felt so sick. The only good explenation i could come up with was the lack of sleep. After starting again with the lab i noticed i forgot to bring my pencil. Guess the awareness has its down sides. So i went down to ICA a quicke and during that time while i was walking out i didnt feel as sick. Hmm weird stomach off mine. Got back and sat down again and the feeling came back

So i though hey maybe i should rest a little before i continue with my studies. So i layed my head down to the board and tried to fall asleep. Clock is now 10:35. While trying to sleep i just cant fall asleep cause i really heard everything. Had the windows open so i heard when cars drove by and everything. After awhile i finally start to feel that i am falling asleep. Then it just happen. 20 first yearers come into the lab and started to make loads of noices. Checked the clock and the time was 10:50. The agony! (Those who knows how i am when i havent slept enough understand me) I really felt like slitting their throats. But i ended up not to. Talked to them and why in the world they were there. They said that the computer lab was booked (I checked before i went if the lab was booked and it wasnt) After checking again it seems the teacher had booked it one hour before they came. With the thinking how much noice they did and i still felt sick. I thought that at that time it was better to just go back home and sleep there now instead. And so i packed my bag again with my lapyop and everything. And went to the buss. Waited for like 4 mins (thank god) and the buss was there. Went on it and sat down in the middle of the buss. After driving about 5 mins i notice this ride wasnt gonna be fun. Cause the buss was shacking all the time and i felt worse due to the shaking. And then driver hit stuff like the edges. And i really got afraid that something would happen along the way. And my stomach got just worse. Though i came down to Råslätt safe and sound. Went back home and into my room directly and it was dead silent in the apartment. Finally i tought to myself. Went directly to bed but of course took off my clothes. After like 3 mins of lying in the bed i heard something. Sounded like a helicopter, and it was buzzing outside my window. Looked out and noticed that one had landed on the fotball arena just outside of my house. And there was some game going on so i guessed it was some sort of event. The Helicopter was on for like 20 mins before it went away, then i finally fell asleep. And sleept to 15:00. Ooh so happy i am now. :P

Scandinavian drum tour  

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Yesterday was pretty normal day except for the evening where i went and saw a drum show. Must say it was pretty amazing. Never been on a drum show before. Show started at 18:30 though i was there already at 18:00 just to ensure there wasnt as big line. Got to Harry's (Famous pub in sweden) where it was located. When i saw the front dorr i saw loads of kids. I started to wonder if i have gotten the whole thing right though i asked one of the people there. And they said the kids was just from the music school and they were waiting for the music teacher to bring them in. So i went in. After leaving my jacket i went further into the pub and saw banners for the music shop i had gotten my vip ticket. Was about to go in then i saw Mike. And he greeted me and after some chit chatting i walked in.

I saw the stage and there was a few people there and most of the seats was taken so i went to the second floor cause there werent as many people there. Went up an took a nice seat and waited. Had to wait for almost an hour before anyone went up on the stage. It started of as any other show with a little introduction with what people who's gonna play and such. after that this guy started talking about himself and drums. Turns out he's some drum expert so he babbled away about drums for maybe 15 mins.
After the guy had stopped talking Wikman & Bylin proyecto came oout and talked a little what they had done and such. Some jokes came up also. They were two drummers whom focus on music like Samba and Salsa. And i say when they started playing it was like magical. I have heard loads music played by Safri Duo and i thiught they were great. But now these guys came out and really took me away with how they were drumming. (Possibly new fan)
After ending with their 10 min long composition they called Brainstorm. Some left after this, mostly the girls. Though one came up and stood beside me and we started talking for a little while. While we talked the first guy came up again on stage and continued talking. We sort of skipped him cause he was not intressting either way and he was only up to kill some time due to the had to change a little on the stage. After they finished fixing the stage he went off quite quickly. I guess he didnt feel so comfortable up there. ;PNext guy up was Erik Thyselius a Metal drummer for the band Scarpoint. As the others also did he had to talk before playing. It was noticable that he wasnt so used to talk before people when he was about to perform. Well the ear got a little shock first when it started to hear him play. I guess it was on the Samba mode still cause it was surprised when it heard the heavy metal. Though as a heavy metal fan it was joy for my ears either way. After he was finished this guy came up sdtarted hugging and kissing the girl whom i was talking with before and then i see his face. It was Mike. My god i had really no idea that was his girl. After some chit chatting and everything next person came up on the stage.
Next out was Ricard Huxflux Netterman whom is famous through being a drummer for singers like Eric Gadd and Peter Jöback. Though you non swedish readers i guess doesnt know who they are either way.
After playing a little i felt like this guy wasnt anything special. I was just sitting there drumming but nothing good atleast for me came out of it. Atleast i from what i know felt that the others were better and this guy hadnt the same kind of feeling in the music. Maybe it was just me but hey i'm me right? :P

Last one out Morgan Åhlgren. He was a nutcase really. First thing he did was when he got the microphone was to bang it to the wall and then he played the drums with it. I really thought he was out of his mind at that point. After that he started throwing his sticks around and still beating the mic on the drums. After a while he started to calm down. And i can say most of the people were shocked and so i was i. Then he started talking a little about his drums like nothing had happend and people was asking him about Frank Zappa. After the chit chatting with everyone who eas watching he started again. This time he didnt use his microphone atleast. Though he was fast and the music he played was really awsome. Not magical but awesome. And he went on in the same pace for like 20 mins and he really looked like a nutcase while working on those drums. His face was like going up and down and made lots of faces. A hilarious guy really to listen to and watch.

After Morgan was done. He called out everyone and everyone played together but it was really noticble that they hadnt trained in something together but they were having fun while drumming together. Can tell you it wasnt the greatest thing i have heard but it was fun to listen to and watch. After the show was over i went over to Mike and thanked him for inviting me and then i went home. Clock was like 23:00 and i was really tired. Came home and fell asleep shortly afterwards. A truely fun night i must say.

Thank you Viv again for giving that music mood again. :P

Wait what?  

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How did this happen? Anyone?

1 month  


Found a small mapp on my computer with old pictures and noticed that i have changed my apperance alot during just a month. Though this last month things really changed parts of my life. Well first of i'm single as most of you already know and i have been growing or atleast trying to grow a circle beard. Though bad as it is my face cant be fully covered with beard so i guess i have to give up on that. Though for those who want to see how much i have changed.

Big change? Well thats all for now. Good luck too all of you. And be blessed as many others say. ;)

Friday and slacking  

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Friday the last day of working week or for me study week. Final exam today got 62.3% so i guess i'm satisfied. Not much of a study head and hardly been able to study while we have had the projects. But either way i'll redo it a week after new year. Need to get higher scores you know. ;)

The day before yesterday Viv and i was talking alittle random stuff. Then we got into music and talked about that we both played instruments but at the moment i wasnt cause of the school. Though after a little chitchatting i felt a real urge to start again. And guess what happened yesterday i started playing on it. And everything came back quite quickly. Though i'm not as good as i was before but i'll get better than i was before by christmas i think. Will be alot of playing now ahead. Beside of that before i started to play yesterday i went down to town to get myself a cable to the speaker otherwise i can really use it or experiment. When i got down i met a old friend of mine that works in the shop. Mike from the united states, though i can tell you that his swedish has really improved since last time i met him. Now it sounds like he have been here for like 3 years though in reality he have only been here for a year. Though after som chatting and paying for the new cable he gave me a piece of paper. I read it and on it said there was gonna be a drum show next monday then he told me to turn around on the flyer and then blinked at me. I read and then i noticed that he had given me a VIP ticket. I became like this i cant accept. Though he pushed me into taking it either way. So on Monday i'm going for a drum show in town. ^^

Most of the people who knows me, knows that im a video game freak and some knows i play World of warcraft at times. Well a few days ago a new patch was released and i became finally some new stuff. Well after downloading the new 700MB sized patch and started to install it it said something went wrong during the install and i should just retry it. And so i did a few times and same thing ever time. So i redownloaded the path like 4 times and the same thing happens, then i just re installed the dam thing. That took me like 4 hours. Darn big game right? After everything was installed and patched i then tried to connect to the servers just to see some small stuff. (clock is like 23.00) And what happens no login server was online. Well well i thought maybe i can play some today. I got online a little today and after a short session the game crashes all the time as soon as i log on to my main character. Hmm hope Blizzard fix this soon otherwise they are stealing my money. :(

Well thats what i had to say for now. Be blessed. ;)

Day off  

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Finally a day away from school. And tonight I have been sleeping like a baby. I feel way better today than I did yesterday. Though I guess its cause today I can slack off a little. But then again in a few hours i will study either way.

We have gotten our results back from school about the network services course. We scored 18 on the project and i think that was quite well done by us with the thinking we only were 5 and one was a slacker who didn't fully follow the schedule. We were talking about failing the slacker but we ended up not to. Though we distributed the points as follows 3,3,3,4,5 and I got one of the 3's. Well I'm pleased with that. Felt like even if the others wanted to give me a 4 I probably would had said no. Had a few personal issues during the time that made the group halt a little. Well there isn't much that can be done about that now either way.

Some of you all know this maybe already, but I am keeping track on how many who visits my site. Got a mail from the service that keeps track of all the visits yesterday and told me that my log file was about to be overfilled. I became like owh no now I might not be able to check how many visits me. Though after mailing them back about how it really works I found out that they'll erase the oldest ones and just insert the new ones (thank god *phew*). And then after that I checked a little about how it is going with my blogg how many visits and such and i can tell you all that its going pretty good. From having 9 returning visitors last week to now having around 15-22 each day i only say thank you all. ^^

Though those who know me well knows that i am a computer geek and knows i prefer Linux over Windows. Though lately i havent been using it until a few days ago. Been having troubles with my network and sound. But then 3 days ago i sat down with the problems and i fixed it. And now i'm in love again. ;)
Linux is pretty complicated sometimes but when things work nothing brings it down except new crappy updates. :P

I have starte playing Final Fantasy 9 and i have already made up my team. And guess whos gonna be in it. Vivi! Have so far I have only gotten to disc two so i wont be able to just use my team as i want yet. Pretty long before i can start choosing my team though i'm already longing for it. Though i have been playing it on Windows though i'm gonna try it out now on Linux and see if i manage it to start working. Wish me luck and thank you all again


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Feeling horrible at the moment. And I tell you today have been a bad day. Started off with that i went up early to school. Like 2 hours earlier than usually. Got there and my freaking stomach start to crap me. And it went on the whole day. Thought it was cause of the nerves before the exam. While having that annoying stomach i worked off the last on the last project (*breaths out* Finally!). Had to hurry on it cause it had to be finished before my exam ended. Lunch came around 11 with the thinking my exam started at 13 so no need to rush. One problem though with the lunch my friends really wanted to eat thai food. And they knew how i felt at that moment. But they really wanted to. So we went to a place called Jungle thai and ate. And my stomach went even more crazy afterwards (curses). We went back and i checked the last stuff before going to the exam labratory. Went in and sat down. Wait for like 30 mins and then we start. After like 25 mins i finished the first part of the exam And started preparing for part two the very practical. Cause part 1 is just planning. And pre part 2 your allowed to build configurations without touching any of the network equipment. And when part 2 starts things gets rough. Everything goes fine even when i start part 2. I start configurationg and about 1 hour into implementing i notice something horrible has happened. I put all my configurations in the wrong places. And i look at the time and see that there is only 1 hour left that means half the time of part 2 is spilled. Then i started thinking that if i restarted now i would be where i was at that time but one hour later. Then by that time i havent built up the rest of that i should had done that would take like 30 more mins. So i needed 1h and 30mins but only got 1h. So i knew even if i tried i wouldnt have enough time cause during that time there will come troubleshoting. So i said to the teacher i give up and explained the situation to him. And he understood exactly my reasoning. So i packed my bag and went out. And what i noticed was my stomach was calm. Hardly could believe it. But instead i felt really bad and down instead.

And here i am being a little depressed hopefully things will get better soon. Anyone who can cheer me up?

Cake flushing  

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I have no idea why i'm laughing like crazy due to this video. And i have no reason why to upload it either but here it goes either way.



Today not much happened really. Though one thing that happened today was that i somehow woke up at 6 this morning. I must say that pretty unique for me, i usually wake up around like 11 to 13. But 6 o'clock? Something is wrong with me. Though even if i woke up that early i went back to sleep again. Yea i know i am a sleepyhead. But i tell you i have earned it.

Whilke sleeping I dreamt. And I have a special dream. I was in my bed and then it knocked on my door. Nathaniel told me that I had a visitor. I told him to let the person in. The person went in and then he stood outside of the sheet of cloth I have covering my bedroom area. What I saw was a tall man and he was a little chubby. He opened up the sheets and i saw who it was. I couldnt believe who it was. As much as i was filled with joy i also was filled with anger. My father was there. He stood there right infront of me and looked exactly as I last remembered him. He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. He told me that he and I needed to talk. And the midst of that i felt like crying like really bad. As i always do i try to keep that part of me away. He then started talking about what "really" happend that day. He said he had to make it look like he was dead to protect me and the rest of the family. And during this whole time he had been in jail of a reason he didnt want to tell me. After he said that i hit my knuckles on the wall and i woke up. As i woke up i felt that my hand was hurting. So i guess i really hit the wall while i was asleep.

After waking up and started to make breakfast i got a sms from my mother saying they are gonna have another dog. And it was gonna be a Jack russel terrier. I became like WT*. This she have to explain to me. (Btw the clock is like 12 when this happened) I called her and starting asking her what in the world was going on. She have told me before like loads of times that she wont have another dog after Dizzie. Then she explained that it was a dog imported from Ireland that couldnt find a home there so it was moved to sweden. Then my mother sort of fell in love with it when she heard about it and had to get it. Actually its not really a Jack russel its actually a mix between a chihuahua and jack russel. Though for those wondering how it looks like here it comes.
Well for those wondering my family is dog lovers and so am i. Actually have said quite few times before that when things are stable for me or that i have a family i must have a dog (Labrador). During my whole life i have had 2 dogs. One labrador called Jappe (Jasper) and one Groenendal (Dizzie Diamond). And i can tell you that i was more in love with Jappe than i was with Dizzie. Well he was there the whole time i grew up. Had like a special bond with him. But Dizzie she is like a pup and she always will be in my eyes even though she is pretty old now.

Not much else have happened today other than me being in school most of the day studying and preparing for the practical exam on tuesday. I hope i pass on it. Actually i have to. So wish me luck will you? ;)

Thank you  


Forgot to mention something in my previous post. That is thank you Viv for the link to blogskins. Wouldnt have found this template if it wasnt for you. ^^


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Okey Finaly i found a template i liked. And if you wonder why this template. Well i'll tell you that i'm a Final Fantasy fan. And i have played most games between I to XII. Though this is taken from Final Fantasy 9 and the character is Vivi a black mage who have a mind of his own. And he struggles all the time with where he came from and why he was made. I must say the character in the game is a really strong one and deep one. Most of the game circles about him even though he isnt the main character.

Well more news in my life is that yesterday i got a sms from my sister that something was wrong with Dizzie. For those who dont know who Dizzie is she is my dog or actually my family dog. She getting pretty old. At the moment she's 13 and that pretty old for being of her race. If you calculate it over to human years she would now be 91 years. I messaged my mother as soon as i was able to over msn and asked what was going on and she told me that she probably had gotten a blood clot in her brain cause she was paralyzed in the morning. They had called a vet and checked with them and they said that closest vet that was in duty at that moment was located in Helsingborg and thats 2 hours drive from where my mother lives. After about 30 mins it had been worn out but she was weak. Checked with my mom today also and she said that she had gotten a little better but she was still weak.

Dizzie stay strong, you might be old but you have proven before that age doesnt put you down.


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Friday and time for a new post. Can tell you first off that this week have been horrible. Had a presentation today and we finished everything yesterday. Though th teacher said our one was one of the better ones. We even managed to get afew bonus points. Though next up is some writing about multicasting. Then on tuesday i'll have practical exam and on friday its the final test for CCNP 1. Wish me luck will you?

If your a returning visitor you probably noticed that the layout have been changed and i tell you i wont continue with this one for long. Just tried it out and now i'm trying to find a new one cause i already dont like it. Anyone who can recommend one that would fit me? Cause so far i have been quite out of luck.

Was checking out some salary's for people who is so called Cisco Certified. After checking the year salary in UK i was really amazed. I can tell you that if i would save all that money each month i would be called millioner back here in sweden after just 1 year and 2 months and i tell you that is loads of money. My mother would maybe earn that amount after like 4-5 years. And the best part is that they are really looking for people with the Cisco Certification. Just this month they added 700 new jobs in London for the level of Network associate. And i can tell you that at the moment i'm going for the Network proffesional level. I have a feeling i will probably get a job there easily. Though when i looked over sweden i only found 10 new jobs this month. And the biggest problem right now is that here in sweden there is really lacking of job in area. Even though they say that the so called IT bubble have broken here, there is hardly any new jobs. So i guess going away working somewhere else is maybe a good thing. But then again it would be a great experience to have that in your baggage later if i go back to sweden later or somewhere else.

Life after this  

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Still a little sick but atleast i think i am thinking clearly. Though today i have really decided. A decision that will probably change my life quite alot. For some it might seem crazy and for some maybe it's a great thing. But for me this is something i have wanted for years. And it is about moving to Great Brittain. Though i have already decided on London. Its not really been a dream my whole life or anything but i have been wanting it for many years now. Even though many says its not that big of a difference than back here in Sweden. Maybe its not but it is diffrent in other ways and there i most probably can feel that im restarting my life and can become the person i want to be. Cause back here in sweden everything will just drag with me behind my back. All the 'history' i have made, things that have marked me for life, world i put myself into. I sort of like it in a way i have it here, but then again i feel that something is waiting for me there. Actually last days there have been thoughts about Australia. But that i guess is something i just wanted cause i knew she wants to go there and study. But then i guess i just have to let go off just hoping that going there will make things all right. Cause really when i am there what will i do? Work in the heating sun in some office? I rather do that in a office in a country where i can have all the seasons. Instead of in a country where the lowest temperature is 8C.
And i sort off already planned on when i'm gonna move there. Hold on this might come shocking for some people. But i will try as fast as possible really after i'm finished here with the studies. But also i have to work here for like 2-3months first so i have some money to survive there in the very beginning. So around maybe November 2009 i will go to London my very first time in my life and live there. And i am not letting someone go in my way for that.

Monday and sick  

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What a horrible day it is today. It all started before i woke up. My stupid stomach started to fail on me. Around 03:00 this morning when i was about to fall asleep i felt that something was terrible wrong with my stomach. I felt sick and it hurted. I sort of knew what was comming. First thing i did was to get my blue bucket and put it right next to the bed. I can tell you all now nothing came other than air and some white phlegm. After awhile i fell asleep and woke up around 7 to send a sms to my friends that i wasnt comming this morning cause i didnt want to risk throwing up in school. Sent the sms and fell asleep again. Woke up around 2 hours later due to a call from Johan wondering where i was. And i asked him if he hadnt gotten an sms from me and he said no. I checked my outbox on the phone and it said i sent a message to him but it hadnt arrived. Horrible phone system. So i had to tell him what was up and i would try to get to school later if i felt better. Then i fell asleep again. Woke up around 11:00 to just throw up. And still nothing came out of me other than air and phlegm. Stayed up after that. Get an sms from Håkan that said they needed a extra harddrive and if i was fine enough to go to school now. I told them no not fine now. Sent the sms but it took like 45 mins before i got the message about that the sms was recived. Something really seems to be wrong with the telecom system today. After awhile the police called again and i became; What now? Then something said to me it was probably about the letter i got a few days back but no it seems they had gotten new evidence on the case and they wanted me to check on the new evidence. So i said okey. And guess what happens i throw up in the middle of the phone call. One of the really embarrasing things i have done in a long time. I guess i gave that police man a shock. Well it ended with that in a months time or so i will have to visit the local police to witness and see if i can point out who assulted me that day about a year ago.

Nice day or what do you all say?
Or actually something good happened today atleast. I was able to watch the latest episode of Dexter in peace. ^^



Was out today. Walking in the pouring rain for like an hour. Refreashing in a way though one thing always went through my head and it was her. Even though i'm saying that i am moving on and everything i still feel i cant let go. I sit with a conversation window open with her on the other end but i never write anything. And everytime i see a picture of her i feel so guilty and bad i just feel like crying out loud. Even though that i everyday make plans on how i'm gonna get her back but there is never anything i dare to do or thats something that i cant do now. And now when she was away for a few days i was worried as hell about her. The only thing i did during that time was just working either way. I wish i could just go back in time and just miss that plane back on KLIA. That way i would had been stuck there and would had made things diffrently. Through this all i feel like i'm some stalker that cant let go. I dont even know if she would be happy anymore if i tried or if i would be some annoyence to her. Does she wants me back or does she just want me to just let go? I'm not sure if dare to know the answer. Even though i still love her as much now as i did before i'm also afraid that i'll hurt her badly again. All i want is for her to be happy though i'm not sure if i'm the one who can bring that happiness to her anymore.

Someone help me. What should i do?


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Just feel like showing this lyric

Lostprophets - Always all ways

I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry,
But it always comes out wrong,
I think a part of you still loves me,
Even though we're moving on.

Always, all ways I wanted us to be,
Always, all ways you and me,
And I wait here on my own,
And I wait for you to see,
All the time I spend alone now won't comfort me,

Always all ways...

And I'm sorry for what happened,
But I want you there to see,
That I'm changing all my actions,
I don't wanna set you free.

Always, all ways I want to see you through
Always, all ways me and you
And I wait here on my own,
And I wait for you to see,
All the time I spend alone now won't comfort me.

'Cause I'm waiting for you,
Yeah, I'm waiting for you,
Give me answers, get me through,
I will wait...

Always, all ways I wanted us to be,
Always, all ways you and me,
And I wait here on my own,
And I wait for you to see,
All the time I spend alone now won't comfort me.

'Cause I'm waiting for you,
And I'll wait here for you,
Give me answers, give me through,
I will wait...

'Cause I'm waiting for you,
Yeah I'm waiting for you,
Give me answers, get me through,
I will wait...

Always, all ways

Games, presentation and beard. What a nice post.  

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Saturday and i am working on the game. Quite annoying at the moment cause i cant make the map work as i want it to be. It dont wanna load all the textures. Anyone out there with experience with Irllicht that is willing to help me? Its funny now when i work with it, I understand the whole thinking behind it (or atleast almost everything) but i cant write it on my own without using some kind of reference. It was like this also back in Upper secondary school. I understood everything but without the book i hardly was able to write anything on my own. I guess that is how it is in the beginning when doing programming you understand but cant create it from your own two hands without looking at someone else.

But then i have always seen myself as a copy cat. Almost everything i know is copied from someone else. My first computer skills came from looking at a guy when he fixed our old computer. I just looked at what he did and remembered what he did. And in some way i knew i was doing. Cause he never told me what he was doing only that he fixed the computer. Wish i had a similar ability for programming. Things would be much easier that way. Just letting my brain copy paste everything inside my head.

Next week is presentation week. That means we have to show of what we have made with the whole network. And now during this weekend i have to fix the pappers on Virtualistion, Streaming and Dirctory Services. Annoying much. And it is about step 5 and 6 that is the last parts. hopefully i'll be done on sunday. Worst case i'll finish the last on monday. Wish i had more time. *sob, sob*

Btw i have started to grow beard again. At the moment it looks awful but hopefully later it'll look better later. Though i'm gonna try for a Trimmed Circle Beard, but i'm not sure if i can get a real one. How it will turn out we'll see. Might upload a picture of my progress later. Plus that reminds me i need a shave. :/

For those wondering how my "game" looks like at the moment i'll show you all.

Any one have an idea what i should do?

Thursday and lunch  

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Seems i'm getting into this whole blogging thing. Even blogging during my lunch break. I am actually even home in my apartment during the lunch. Starting to lack money and i forgot the lunchbox so i had to go back and eat my lunch here.

Have started to notice that i am changeing in a way. I think its probably cause of the whole moving on thing is starting to affect me. I'm not as sad anymore as i have been before but i'm still thinking about what i did and i do it alot. Though that hurts in a way when i think about it, and the bad thing is that a part of me is moving on though i dont really want to do it. Horrible side of me. Dont like being two minded. Pretty annoying at times. :/

Though when it comes to school i have almost been living there the last week. 2 projects that needs to be finished till next week. And everything hangs on one little problem. The eBGP. Though im not gonna go into that cause those who havent read atleast CCNA wont understand a thing of what i'm saying. Though i'll explain it in a easy way.

Person A talks towards Person B and Person B talks back. Person A and B talks the same language but they still dont understand eachother. Person A nor B is deth cause anyone else can talk with Person A and B without problems. Whats wrong? Though in this sense it looks like a relationship issue. But then again its two machines we are talking about. Though i think i'll call this problem the relationship issue. Though its times like these i wonder why i didnt studied Game design and programming instead. Well hopefully it'll work soon. Though i have to go before i get late back at school.