Scandinavian drum tour  

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Yesterday was pretty normal day except for the evening where i went and saw a drum show. Must say it was pretty amazing. Never been on a drum show before. Show started at 18:30 though i was there already at 18:00 just to ensure there wasnt as big line. Got to Harry's (Famous pub in sweden) where it was located. When i saw the front dorr i saw loads of kids. I started to wonder if i have gotten the whole thing right though i asked one of the people there. And they said the kids was just from the music school and they were waiting for the music teacher to bring them in. So i went in. After leaving my jacket i went further into the pub and saw banners for the music shop i had gotten my vip ticket. Was about to go in then i saw Mike. And he greeted me and after some chit chatting i walked in.

I saw the stage and there was a few people there and most of the seats was taken so i went to the second floor cause there werent as many people there. Went up an took a nice seat and waited. Had to wait for almost an hour before anyone went up on the stage. It started of as any other show with a little introduction with what people who's gonna play and such. after that this guy started talking about himself and drums. Turns out he's some drum expert so he babbled away about drums for maybe 15 mins.
After the guy had stopped talking Wikman & Bylin proyecto came oout and talked a little what they had done and such. Some jokes came up also. They were two drummers whom focus on music like Samba and Salsa. And i say when they started playing it was like magical. I have heard loads music played by Safri Duo and i thiught they were great. But now these guys came out and really took me away with how they were drumming. (Possibly new fan)
After ending with their 10 min long composition they called Brainstorm. Some left after this, mostly the girls. Though one came up and stood beside me and we started talking for a little while. While we talked the first guy came up again on stage and continued talking. We sort of skipped him cause he was not intressting either way and he was only up to kill some time due to the had to change a little on the stage. After they finished fixing the stage he went off quite quickly. I guess he didnt feel so comfortable up there. ;PNext guy up was Erik Thyselius a Metal drummer for the band Scarpoint. As the others also did he had to talk before playing. It was noticable that he wasnt so used to talk before people when he was about to perform. Well the ear got a little shock first when it started to hear him play. I guess it was on the Samba mode still cause it was surprised when it heard the heavy metal. Though as a heavy metal fan it was joy for my ears either way. After he was finished this guy came up sdtarted hugging and kissing the girl whom i was talking with before and then i see his face. It was Mike. My god i had really no idea that was his girl. After some chit chatting and everything next person came up on the stage.
Next out was Ricard Huxflux Netterman whom is famous through being a drummer for singers like Eric Gadd and Peter Jöback. Though you non swedish readers i guess doesnt know who they are either way.
After playing a little i felt like this guy wasnt anything special. I was just sitting there drumming but nothing good atleast for me came out of it. Atleast i from what i know felt that the others were better and this guy hadnt the same kind of feeling in the music. Maybe it was just me but hey i'm me right? :P

Last one out Morgan Åhlgren. He was a nutcase really. First thing he did was when he got the microphone was to bang it to the wall and then he played the drums with it. I really thought he was out of his mind at that point. After that he started throwing his sticks around and still beating the mic on the drums. After a while he started to calm down. And i can say most of the people were shocked and so i was i. Then he started talking a little about his drums like nothing had happend and people was asking him about Frank Zappa. After the chit chatting with everyone who eas watching he started again. This time he didnt use his microphone atleast. Though he was fast and the music he played was really awsome. Not magical but awesome. And he went on in the same pace for like 20 mins and he really looked like a nutcase while working on those drums. His face was like going up and down and made lots of faces. A hilarious guy really to listen to and watch.

After Morgan was done. He called out everyone and everyone played together but it was really noticble that they hadnt trained in something together but they were having fun while drumming together. Can tell you it wasnt the greatest thing i have heard but it was fun to listen to and watch. After the show was over i went over to Mike and thanked him for inviting me and then i went home. Clock was like 23:00 and i was really tired. Came home and fell asleep shortly afterwards. A truely fun night i must say.

Thank you Viv again for giving that music mood again. :P

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at Tuesday, October 21, 2008 and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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